Our History

Grace Baptist Church was planted out of a Baptist Church in Wyandotte in 1904. Our first location was on James Street in River Rouge. Soon, Grace moved to Coolidge Highway, near the present location of the Family Dollar.

In 1946, our building on Coolidge Highway was destroyed in a tornado that left a large path of destruction through the city of River Rouge. Grace had already purchased the property on East Great Lakes and began to build there. They opened services in the present day location in 1947.

Throughout our long history of more the one hundred years in the community of River Rouge, Grace Baptist Church, has tried to faithfully serve God by preaching the hope of life and forgiveness from sin that is found only in Jesus Christ.

Our Mission

Grace Baptist Church exist to advance the kingdom of God by earnest prayer, faithful teaching and intentional discipleship.

In Matthew 28:19–20, Jesus Christ told his followers to “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”

Our mission is to continue the mission that Jesus began with his disciples to pray, teach and make disciples until he returns.

At GBC, we are committed to dependent prayer, clear teaching and maturing disciples!


Core Values

GBC organizes our ministries around three profound core values found in the life of Jesus and his apostles. These profound values are:

1.) Prayer

The work of God is accomplished in the earth by his sovereign decree through the prayers of his people. Thus, GBC will be a church that prays to the Lord of the harvest to do his work through His word and our hands (Matthew 6:1-10; 9:35-38.)

2.) Teaching

The Church of Jesus Christ is established and sustained only by the word of God. Therefore, it is GBC chief commitment to uphold and unfold the word of God (Psalm 115:130; 1 Timothy 4:13.)

3.) Discipleship

Nobody grows in Christ on their own or by mistake. Thus, GBC will intentionally and strategically walk alongside believers in order to present them fully mature in Christ (Matthew 28:19-20; Colossians 1:28; 2 Timothy 2:2.)


Core Commitments

Now, out of these three core values flow two core commitments. These core commitments are:

1.) Evangelism

A necessary by-product of knowing Jesus is that you will tell others about him. Therefore, at GBC, we will eagerly and purposefully make him known by taking the gospel to the lost in our community.

2.) Church Planting

A healthy church is a church that starts and/or supports other local churches. Built into who we are at GBC, will be the NECESSITY  of planting or supporting other local churches.

Our Beliefs

The most important part of any church is what they believe. Grace Baptist Church is founded solely on the Word of God. Here is a short summary of our core beliefs. You can read our full doctrinal statement which is the New Hampshire Confession of Faith. If you have questions about what we believe, please contact us and we will be glad to open God’s word with you to find answers.

  1. We believe that the only true God is the creator of this world, the supreme ruler over his creation, and has revealed himself through his Son Jesus Christ (who is God), and through the Bible. God alone is worthy of our praise, and his glory is the reason we exist.
  1. We believe that the Bible is God’s perfect Word, completely without error, and that in the Bible is everything we need to know to be everything that God has called us to be.
  1. We believe that men and women are created in the image of God, but because Adam our father sinned, his sin has infected every single human who has ever lived, except Jesus Christ. Because of our sin, we are separated from God in spiritual death and in need of salvation from sin.
  1. We believe that salvation from sin comes only through faith alone in Christ. of alone. We can do nothing to earn our salvation, and our works do not contribute to our salvation in anyway. Only by faith in Christ can we be free from the power and penalty of sin in our lives. We believe that God is calling people to himself for salvation through the teaching and preaching of the Bible. We believe that each person who has by faith committed their lives to Christ for salvation should publicly testify by being baptized as a sign of their salvation.
  1. We believe that the church is Christ’s body, and is God’s chosen instrument through which he is working in this age. He expects every true follower of Christ to be involved in a local church body for worship, evangelism, learning, fellowship, and service.
  1. We believe that Christ will return at the close of this age to redeem his followers from this earth, to judge sin, to set up his kingdom, and to reign in righteousness. At the end of the world, every single person will have to give an account to God for their lives. Those who trusted Christ alone for salvation will spend eternity in heaven with God. Those who never came to Christ in faith for salvation will be separated from God for all eternity in hell.