
Getting connected means first getting connected to Jesus Christ. Finding life and forgiveness in Jesus is where life truly begins. Getting connected with Christ means growing spiritually through learning about him and then, by the power of the Spirit, living in a manner worthy of him. Growing in Christ at Grace takes place both through public teaching and personal relationships.

Each meeting time is designed to help us grow in the Lord. Each of our services has teaching or preaching designed to communicate the truth of God so that we may grow in our knowledge of who he is and what he expects of us. 

Getting connected also means being a member of a local church where you can learn, grow, worship, and serve together with other believers. Getting connected at Grace as a member means finding a place to serve God by serving others. We believe that God has equipped all believers with spiritual gifts to serve the body of Christ.

If you are interested in church membership or have questions, talk to Pastor De’Juan or email him. There will be periodic Membership Classes. Email him to find out when the next class will be.